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Fundraising Page

In 33 years of ministry FCC has hired over 2000 college students and worked with over 5000 coaches and 100,000 cheerleaders.    If just 3.5% FCC Alumni Campers, Coaches and Staffers will join our 2019 campaign we can reach our goal.

All funds will be used for the following designated

* Securing LED screens for events

* Vision Casting Trips to 50 of the top churches who use
sports as an outreach

* Additional Staffing Personal for projected growth

* Funding for continued development into our Impact Haiti

PICK YOUR DONATION LEVEL BELOW! Together we will make a HUGE difference! 

Donation Opportunities

Please help support our cause
One Time
Donation Amount
Monthly Recurring
Donation Amount
$1,000.00 Donors
FCC4Life needs 10 Donors at this $1,000.00 Level!
$500.00 Donors
FCC4Life needs 20 Donors at this $500.00 Level!
$250.00 Donors
FCC4Life needs 50 Donors at this $250.00 Level!
$100.00 Donors
FCC4Life needs 100 Donors at this $100.00 Level!
$50.00 Donors
FCC4Life needs 500 Donors at this $50.00 Level!
$25.00 Donors
FCC4Life needs 1,000 Donors at this $25.00 Level!
$10.00 Donors
FCC4Life needs 2,000 Donors at this $10.00 Level!

Recent Donations

Name Amount Comment
Veronica Roggemann $500.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $100.00
Jana Conrad $100.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00
Jana Conrad $200.00